Monday, April 26, 2010

Turkey season is officially open for Ontario hunters! Safety tips for Hunters & Hikers

Gobble, gobble to turkey hunters and tree huggers...

Turkey season in cottage country Ontario opened this morning. Meaning, as a recreational user of Ontario's forests, you now need to take precautions to ensure your safety amongst the safety of everyone you are with. Whether toting the shotgun and hiding in the bushes with a turkey call in your mouth or strolling through the woods with a picnic basket, safety is the most important key!


- treat your weapon (shotgun, rifle or bow) with respect and always behave as though your weapon is loaded and ready to shoot. Do not get careless or lazy.

- never point your weapon at anyone, period! Point your weapon safely towards the ground unless shooting at your safe and visible target. Keep your target in front of you and pay attention to what is behind your target.

- always keep your safety on until just prior to taking your shot. The safety is located close to the trigger for a reason!

- clearly identify your chosen target before taking your shot! Be absolutely positive, then shoot.

- do not let your emotions get the better of you, use your best judgement at all times.

- do not climb in, out, over or under things with a loaded weapon. Wait until you are at your  desired location to load your weapon.

- you must know and understand the range of your weapon, how many shots can be held in your chamber and how many shots remain in your chamber.

- be sure your weapon is well maintained and clean regularily. It must be in excellent, working order!

- wear your blaze orange vests, hats, coats and whatever else it takes to be seen and not shot ;)

- shooting commences 1/2 hour before sunrise til' 1/2 hour after sunset. No hunting on Sundays.


- try NOT to blend into the surroundings during hunting season. All ages must wear bright colours such as blaze orange, bright pink, yellow or fluorescent. Don't wear a feather cap nor a fur coat and I'd stay away from white, neutral or natural colours like brown, tan, khaki. It's not the time to consider fashion, it's all about function!

- keep your pets on a leash at all times and put a fluorescent collar and/or bright clothing on them too. An old t-shirt will suffice or get one specifically for dogs at a hunting/outdoor supply store. 

- pay attention to your surroundings, listen and watch... all while staying on the marked trails!

- do not hike alone, the buddy system is still best (just like old skool).

Hikers & Hunters...

Although I'm more the tree hugger type I do understand a hunters need to hunt...just please be careful ;) we nature lovers do trust that you will not shoot your weapon until you are absolutely 100% positive of your target yet, accidents still happen every year! Let's all act responsibly to ensure our forests remain a safe haven for everyone who wants to get outdoors for whatever reason!

...p.s. and don't litter either ;)

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