Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cottage country Ontario and the common Black Fly!! Folksinger; Wade Hemsworth - Blackfly Song

A trip to cottage country means you're not just visiting with family and friends, you're also hobknobbing with the areas most peskiest of bugs... the Blackfly!

Blackflies are a common nuisance in the spring and although very small (approx. 1-5 mm) they pack quite the whollop when they bite. They don't seem to sting it's moreso what they leave behind. Once the Blackfly is finished eating the area can become very itchy. Once you itch it, even just once, they swell and can be unbearable, itch wise and could get infected! Blackflies aren't always black either, some are yellowish, orange, brownish grey or just grey. Tip: If it's a bug and it lands on you, kill it!

Female Blackflies survive on both nectar and the blood from humans and animals like dogs, cats, and livestock etc. which provides sustanence to her eggs while male Blackflies feed mainly on plant nectars, awww... Why is that female's are so vicious? ;)

The breeding and sustainability of the common Blackfly relies on a food source but more importantly, they require running water to lay their eggs. A constant stream of fresh running water such as rivers, streams and creeks are plentiful in cottage country, hence it's the perfect habitat for the Blackfly!

Apparently, DEET attracts the pests (I can't remember where I read that). Other than being fully shrouded in netting, nothing fends them off, period! So, simply cover your entire body when outdoors, lol! Around the hairline, scalp and behind the ears are very common places to be bitten, hence the super sexy head nets you see some people wearing.

The 'Black Fly', in general, has been responsible for spreading funky diseases in Africa and Central America along with slaughtering livestock in northern Alberta back in the 70's. Within Canada, there's barely 200 species out of a possible 1800 'ish' and if you've ever been dined upon by these little buggers, you'll understand this is a reason to celebrate!!... and be greatful we're not in northern Ontario (see video below)!

Blackfly written by folksinger Wade Hemsworth in 1949 while working in Northern Ontario.
Blackfly - Music Video

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